Just about everyone enjoys a hot and tasty pizza from time to time. Puerto Armuelles now has an international franchise, Domino’s Pizza, in town and they offer sit down, carry-out or free delivery service. Another food option in town is a good thing!
Pizza is enjoyed all over the world and Domino’s is the leading pizza franchise in Panama with over 50 stores nationwide, as of 2018, including Paso Canoas (Frontera) and now in Puerto Armuelles. You can find Domino’s Pizza Truck at the Fairgrounds (Terrenos de la Feria de San Antonio de Padua), across from ESPA School. Even though it is a large food truck (which feels a little transient), rather than a brick & mortar store, there are several tables under a large tent canopy and two restrooms. You have to park outside the fairgrounds and walk in for carry-out are dining there.
We have had a few options for getting a hot pizza in Puerto. Some have come and gone. For the same price I pay at other restaurants in town for just a “familiar” or large pizza ($19), I got a large combo pizza, wings, and a coke at Domino’s. The value is definitely there. It’s not a brick oven roasted pizza with handmade mozzarella but, being a controlled franchise, the ingredients are a known quantity and quality is predictable and good. Can’t go wrong there! See the MENU HERE
I stopped by Domino’s this week and ordered carry out. The service was quick and the young lady who took my order was personable, spoke some English, and smiled. I ordered a large combo pizza, an order of Buffalo wings (8 – with ranch sauce included), and they threw in a free soda. I was told 15 minutes, so I ran a quick errand and ended up returning for my order 45 minutes later. No problema! My pizza and wings were kept in a hot server and were nice an toasty when I picked them up.
I have not tried the delivery service yet, although I have seen the motor bikes delivering in my neighborhood so people are using it. I love the little motorbike delivery vehicles used in Panama, after only seeing cars deliver pizza back in the states! Bikes are used for restaurant delivery all over Panama, even for McDonalds, KFC and other fast food places.
Order delivery or carry out by calling 770-7989. Be sure to request a coupon booklet for the current specials!