Kiosko Mar Azul: Affordable Local Fare

www.visitpuertoarmuelles.comThe next time you take a trip south, down the Burica Peninsula, this a local spot worth stopping for a bite to eat! Just after passing Hooked on Panama, before entering the village of Limones and turn off to Bella Vista, there is a small local Fonda (kiosk) that opened recently along the side of the road. I highly recommend trying Kiosko Mar Azul when you are traveling and in the mood for some local fare.

They serve a daily Panamanian special, which includes the meat of the day, usually beef (carne), pollo (chicken), or fish, rice, beans, and a small salad ~ with a canned soda, for $4. The meals are tasty and a generous portion. I’ve been told they serve breakfast also, though I have not tried it yet.

Located on the ocean side of the road and overlooking a large stream, with a few tables set outside, there is a quiet outdoor ambiance that is relaxing and enables one to enjoy the surrounding nature of the jungle while you enjoy a leisure meal. Take a walk over to the ocean afterwards for a beautiful vista of Puerto Armuelles across the bay.

The Kiosko Mar Azul is about a 30 minute drive from Puerto Armuelles.

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  1. Gary

    I hope this place is still here when i get there. I can see myself chillin in the sun!

    1. admin (Post author)

      FYI Gary ~ I drove by there last week and it was open :)!


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