July 17, 2015 – New Roads in the Old Banana Zone


Construction is becoming a common sight everywhere you turn these days in Puerto Armuelles.

It all points towards continued progress and growth in our little town!

The Ministry of Public Works (MOP), under the direction of President Juan Carlos Varela, awarded a contract of $22.6 million to the company Bagatrac SA, for the renovation of the roads along the Puerto Armuelles Internal Route (Beltway of the former Banana Zone). This project is part of the Panamanian government’s Strategic Plan of Public Infrastructure.

Over 25,000 residents on 11 farms in the “Banana Zone” of the district of Baru will see a direct benefit of the road improvements. The project includes over 36 kilometers of road construction, as well as construction and maintenance of 17 bridges. The route begins in Progreso and ends in Manaca, covering the fincas (farms) between the main road to Puerto Armuelles and the Costa Rica border.


Area of the new road construction and some of the fincas in the Banana Zone.

New bridges will be built over the Cañazas, Chad, Palo Blanco and Medlar rivers. The fincas (farms) and communities directly benefiting are Quira, Chupupate, Almendro, Balsa, Guayabo, Sigua, Corozo, Cañazas, Burica Centro, Zapatero, Blanco, Palo Blanco, Ceiba, Jagua, Guayacán, Malagueto and Manaca.


M.O.P. in Puerto Armuelles


M.O.P. gate – Across from Leones Bienvenidos Monument

According to M.O.P., the new roads will provide a boost to economic activity in the region.


www.visitpuertoarmuelles.comDoes this mean there is government anticipation of a Banana Company starting up again (Chiquita or someone else), or is it just goodwill to improve the lives of the banana farmers in rural Panama?

If you have any current information on the return of the Banana business to Puerto Armuelles, backed up by proof – no rumors, please send it to editor@visitpuertoarmuelles.com

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