In early May 2016, Puerto Armuelles was appointed a Police Commissioner, Sr. Vargas. Previously, there was only a police chief. So, this is a higher position that covers all of Baru and is better for Puerto. Changes are already happening!
Commissioner Vargas is proactive about preventing crime before it happens and is promoting the use of modern technology, since he says this is what criminals are using and we need to be a step ahead of them. There have been several recent robberies, stealing personal property and not violent crimes, lately and the goal is to “nip it in the bud” before they theives get too confident. These are mostly crimes of opportunity, and prevention goes a long way.
On Thursday, May 19th, there was a Community Security Meeting in Las Palmas to introduce Commissioner Vargas and explain his new approach to the neighborhood. There were 26 people in attendance, which was a good turnout for the meeting and a lot of good information was provided. There was even a proxy for Puerto’s Representative present, showing political support.
Commissioner Vargas reminded us to be careful with both our personal safety and prevention as well as helping the police with quicker responses by communicating quickly and effectively. For personal safety we should more careful with our daily activities, not letting people into our homes we do not trust, and being careful with who we hire to work in and around our homes. Also be aware that the lighting in some areas is bad and when we hear something suspicious do not turn the light on inside the house but outside, and then quickly call the police.
For better communication he suggested that we create a Whatsapp group so that we can instantly tell the neighbors and police of any incident. Also we are encouraged to create a Vecinos Vigilante Board of Directors, which gives us direct representation with the police and better communication in case of emergency. Other conversation, and suggestions were made in regards to controlling the access to Las Palmas, our conclusion is that we need to go back and close the entrance by car to the Naranjal.
Carlos Smith is creating the Whatsapp group for Las Palmas, Cortez and Vargas will be in it, if you would like to be added send a message to him at 6953-2287
We also need more people to participate in the Board of Directors group for the Neighborhood watch group. If you would like to join that contact Bethany at . This is a good way to be involved in the neighborhood, and recognized for community service with the police, with very little requirements, only a few meetings per year. This is a collaborative effort who’s sole purpose is to take care of each other and to defend property and families of Puerto Armuelles against those a bit unsavory.
Meetings will be organized soon in other neighborhoods around Puerto Armuelles. Contact Pat Chase for details if you live in the beach areas of Corazon de Jesus, Coronado, or Cucuy.
Call the police at: 770-7465, or Sgt Cortez 6864-3050 or Commissioner Vargas 6677-4548
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