Lions Clubs International is the largest service club organization in the world, with more than 1.4 million members in approximately 46,000 clubs in more than 200 countries and geographic areas around the world. In Puerto Armuelles, become involved through Lions Clubs of District D-1, Panama
The first Lions Club founded in the Republic of Panama, was the Lions Club of Columbus, which was chartered on August 24, 1935. Panama was the first Lions Club formed in Central or South America. The Clubs provide volunteer services to many humanitarian needs they recognize in a specific area. Among their focus are health (diabetes, vision & hearing, and childhood cancer), hunger, and youth activities.
“Ayudar a los más necesitados, apoyar a la juventud y promover los valores Cívicos y Morales en nuestra sociedad Panameña.” (Help the most needy, support youth and promote Civic and Moral values in our Panamanian society.)
Recent and ongoing projects include participation in the donation of hearing aids for people with hearing disabilities and the “Leading With Love” and “Campaign for Better Vision” during international vision week.
The Lions help organize little league tournaments and assist with finding uniform and equipment sponsors. The teams in our area include Alanje, Berba, Manaca and Puerto Armuelles. In October 2018, the Lions Clubs in Puerto Armuelles organized a Chiriqui sporting event, with representative teams from Puerto Armuelles, Volcan, Concepcion, and Renacimiento. Puerto came in third place, with Volcan taking the championship!
If you are civic minded and have a bit of time and/or money available,
this is a great way to give back to the community!
You can reach the Lions Clubs via email at: leonesdistritod1@gmail.com
Or call: Néstor Moreno 6675-3185 or Yolanda Moreno at 6962-9609.