日出旅馆: A Hidden Gem in Puerto Armuelles

日出旅馆, 原名海啸旅馆, 现在拥有新的所有权. 我个人在这家古色古香的小精品酒店住过至少十几次. It is well worth a stay if you are planning a visit to Puerto – the only trick is finding the place!


Sunrise Inn 位于 Puerto Armuelles 镇最西端的海滩上, and to arrive at the front entrance, you have to drive through a neighborhood called San Vicente, on a dirt road. The first thought that will go through your mind is “this can’t be the right way”, but keep going! You will either drive on a narrow paved road to the end of the street and turn left at the small sign nailed to a tree, or hug the beach on a bumpy dirt road until you see the colorful cabanas on your right. 第一次发现就是这样~不小心!


在我第一次访问时, Tsunami Inn 几乎是留在波多黎各的唯一海滨选择. 受欢迎的酒店背后已经有很多历史, 只要居民能告诉你. Today, 在新的所有权和对未来的新想法下, 我们正在目睹一场变革,这肯定会继续使 SUNRISE INN 成为 #1 访问波多黎各时的住宿地点! 第一个变化是名字 – 日出 肯定更愉快. 🙂




Once you arrive, 你会受到业主的欢迎, 罗恩·辛斯 . 他总是在身边,对待每个人都像家人一样. The focal point of the hotel is a beautifully maintained small swimming pool and a rancho with a bar and tables behind it. The outside living area is surrounded by 7 colorful cabanas where the guests stay. 价格是 $50 per night, with discounts for extended stays. 每间私人小屋均享有海景. 甚至还有一只常驻的猴子和 2 小鹦鹉来招待你!




The entire hotel, including the rancho area, has wi-fi available. There are some kitchenette features in a few of the cabanas, 都有空调, 虽然你可能不需要它与海风. There are also laundry facilities available.

巴拿马冷啤酒出售 $1 each. The fridge at the rancho is available for guests to store a few cold items. You have to bring your own food or eat at a nearby restaurant (a few offer delivery services, so be sure to ask). However, 黎明时分,罗恩就起床了,每天早上都有新鲜的咖啡和清淡的早餐来迎接你,因为你享受着 日出 in Panama. 然后, take a swim in the pool or a leisurely stroll along the beach where you will probably not see another soul, except the occasional fisherman throwing a net.


你可以找到 日出旅馆 在他们的网上 脸书专页 进行预订

或通过电话联系他们 & WhatsApp at (507) 6508-2896 or 6604-9369.

Enjoy your stay!

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1 Comment

  1. 唐娜

    恭喜! 喜欢这个地方; 很漂亮💕. 希望拜访您和您的所有成就 ! 想念你们❤️


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