

Do you have a property for rent?




Rentals are in high demand in Puerto Armuelles. For that reason, they are usually rented as soon as I post them ~ Its impossible to keep current. The rentals shown here are a SAMPLING of what is available and ballpark prices. If you know when you will need to rent a place in Puerto, Please contact the Editor for current available homes at:





www.visitpuertoarmuelles.comSampling of 出租 Listings:


This page is a sampling of private homes, B&B’s, and vacation rentals.

Hotels, hostels, and lodges are listed in our Business Directory.

*This is just a sampling of types of homes and price ranges.





2 – 4 Bedroom Rentals in Prestigious Las Palmas!

Las Palmas is a quiet country-like setting, yet only a 5 minute drive from downtown Puerto Armuelles. Homes are historic plantation style, built by Chiquita Banana. Mostly furnished and including internet.

Range is about $650 – $850/month




Renovated Panamanian Homes in El Palmar

Experience life in a beach community! Remodeled and upgraded homes can be found among the local houses in Playa Coronado, Corazon de Jesus, and Cucuy. Oceanfront or just steps from some of the best surfing beaches near town.

Range is about $400-800/month


www.visitpuertarmuelles.comHouses for Rent in Nice Neighborhoods Near Town

Quaint, unfurnished homes in quiet, working class neighborhoods like Vayasa, Los Angeles, and San Jose. Typically more Panamanian style, without frills, and mostly unfurnished. 2 -3 卧室

Range is about $350 – $550/month




www.visitpuertoarmuelles.comCommercial Rentals in the heart of Downtown Puerto Armuelles

Located near the beach and the famous Chiquita Banana Pier. Some previous businesses and others you can build inside to suit your venture. From restaurants to stores, and everything in between!

Range is about $250 – $700/month



There are others scattered around, so please inquire with dates needed, what you are looking for, and price range and we will assist you in finding something that fits.



  1. 加里·Kautz酒店

    我被塞萨尔蒙特马约尔Jr的名义找男人. 他是我在圣室友. 晨祷学院在奥林匹亚, 娃. 他来自巴拿马和他的家族拥有的香蕉种植园. 这是早在60年代中期. 还找租一个假期的地方

    1. admin (Post author)

      你什么时候在这里度假? 不是所有的租金都列出的网站〜我知道一些私人出租的,我可以给你联系上的信息. Also, 酒店和B&B在商业指南这里列出的网站上.

      1. www.visitpuertarmuelles.com


        1. admin (Post author)

          www.visitpuertarmuelles.com. www.visitpuertarmuelles.com!

  2. 加里·Kautz酒店

    塞萨尔是从阿穆埃耶斯港, Panama

    1. admin (Post author)


  3. 辛西娅

    感谢您为您的网站! 这很棒! 你知道任何可用的海滨财产倒在布里卡半岛? 最近我询问了很多销售那里,但被告知,他们都保留或出售. 谢谢你的任何援助!


    1. admin (Post author)

      嗨〜辛西娅有 2 海滩地段布埃纳文图拉列出的出售页面上现在. 这是刚刚过去的Limones上Burica Penninsula.

  4. Cindy

    My Husband and I are interested in the Puerto Armuellas area. We would like to come and stay in the area for 2-3 weeks starting around May 29th , this year. We would love to rent a house that is walking distance to town and located on a nice beach. Do you have any recommendations?
    All the Best,

    1. admin (Post author)

      I would recommend Tsunami Inn or Heavenly’s Hotel. Both are inexpensive and will give you a better rate for an extended stay. They are located on the beach and walking distance to town. There are a few beach houses for rent, although none of them are walking distance to downtown. You could ride a bicycle or catch cabs, which are also cheap here. I will post more rentals as they come up on the rental page of this website, so check back regularly. Look forward to meeting you when you get to town!

  5. John Coverr

    Looking for long time rental. just an old surf dog.

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hola John! I sent you an email and will stay in touch as I hear of new properties for rent…www.visitpuertarmuelles.com

  6. 谢利·利昂,,en,看来,国家银行是在镇上唯一的银行,,en,他们是唯一的ATM也,,en,有多难与他们的开户,,en,至少有十几个自动取款机位于阿穆埃耶斯港,,en,至于在国家银行开立银行账户,,en,我想,如果你是一个游客,他们将很难或不可能,,en,在巴拿马只有少数银行,,en,Banistmo,,en,斯科舍省是,,en,我敢肯定的,,en,将开户旅游,,en,一旦你获得永久居留权,并在巴拿马Cedula,,en,您可以通过以下的最低要求任何地方开设银行,,en,在阿穆埃耶斯港金融机构,,en

    www.visitpuertarmuelles.com 2 in January 2018. www.visitpuertarmuelles.com. Can you help?

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hi Shellie! 感谢您与我们联系. www.visitpuertarmuelles.com. www.visitpuertarmuelles.com, www.visitpuertarmuelles.com. It is more word of mouth. I sent you an email with a few contacts. I’ll keep in touch with you and let you know what’s available as your trip gets closer. 期待与您见面,en!

  7. Pamela Johnson

    我将搬到巴拿马五月,,en,我确实有一个租房,,en,平方,,en,FT,,en,El valle de Anton的家乡,,en,我想在你的地区找到一些东西,,en,我有,,en,奇瓦瓦狗和寻找围栏在院子里,,en,相当大小的卧室,,en,我通过电子邮件向您发送了一些信息,并会随着您的旅行更加接近而保持联系,,en,我也有奇瓦瓦人,,en,梅格波特,,no,我和我丈夫将在五月下旬回到巴拿马,,en,我们目前正在使用我们的Pensionado签证的个人电脑,,en,我们正在寻找三至六个月的家具租赁,,en,靠近海滩和当时的城镇,,en,虽然我们还没有去过波多黎各,,en,它听起来很神奇,我们很乐意开始我们下一阶段的生活,,en,预先感谢您的帮助,,en,和,,hu 1, 2018. I do have a rental for a 2/2 1100 sq. ft. home in El valle de Anton for $675. I would like to find something in your area. I have 3 Chihuahuas and Looking for a fenced in yard and 2 or 3 bedrooms of comparable size.

    1. admin (Post author)

      I’ve sent you some info via email and will stay in touch as your travel here gets closer. I have a Chihuahua too!

  8. Ingrid

    My family is moving to Puerto Armuelles this Spring (2018). We are looking for a 2 bedroom house on the ocean or very, very close. We will eventually purchase, but are looking to rent for 3 to 6 months before committing. If you know of any rentals becoming available in the near future please let me know. We visited Puerto over the New Year and really loved it. Our house has sold and we are working on getting out of Alaska! We are water people – swimming, kayaking, surfing. So something near the water is really important to us.

  9. Meg Porter

    My husband and I will be returning to Panama in late May. We are currently in PC working on our Pensionado visas. We are looking for a three to six month furnished rental, close to the beach and to town at that time. While we haven’t been to Puerto yet, it sounds and looks amazing and we’d love to start the next phase of our lives there.
    Thank you in advance for your help!


    1. admin (Post author)


  10. Timothy J Coley

    I’ll be in flying into Panama City on April 10th and will be driving around the Peninsula before flying out of David on April 18th to Costa Rica. How can I contact you to see some properties, both rental and for sell, while I’m in the area?

  11. Larry/Carol Sullivan

    My wife and I are moving to Panama in July, 寻找靠近海滩的一两间卧室寻找的东西,,en,mo lease,,en,我会通过电子邮件发送给您一些适合的海滩租赁,,en,您可能需要存入一笔押金,直到七月份,,en 3 or 6 mo lease.

    1. admin (Post author)

      I will email you a couple of beach rentals that may fit. You may have to place a deposit to hold one of them until July.

  12. Matthew Ross

    The two of us are coming to Puerto Armuelles during the second week this July. Do you know of anyone who might be renting out a room at that time? 谢谢!

    1. admin (Post author)

      I’ll keep an eye out and I also sent you an email with some suggestions. 期待与您见面,en!

  13. 梅丽莎韦克利,,en,寻找更多关于该地区的信息,,en,计划在下一次旅行,,en,目标是最终获得养老金地位并转移到那里,,en,请发邮件,,en

    Looking to find out more about the area, planning a trip there within the next 6-8 months. With the goal for f eventually getting pensionado status and moving there.

    Please email, 谢谢.

  14. Susan marfori

    I will be coming to Panama,specifically Puerto and Pedasi, scoping out a place for retirement. I will be renting at first but also am interested in purchasing property to build on our a reasonably priced home. Are these listing for rent and sale up to date?


    1. admin (Post author)

      Hola! The “For Sale” postings are up-to-date unless an owner forgets to tell me they’ve sold their place. I stay in pretty close touch with most of them, so it’s safe to say they are generally current.
      However, rentals are in HIGH demand in Puerto Armuelles. By the time I post one on the website, it’s rented. I’d have to say the rental postings are more of a “sampling”. It is best to email me when you are coming here and I can let you know who has something available at that time.

  15. Gayna Rowe

    Like everyone else, I’m interested in moving to your area and am interested in a rental. I’ll be coming for a visit in October with an eye towards moving in the spring. I am a single woman with a small dog and was told by a blogger that it’s a safe place for a single woman.

    1. admin (Post author)

      I know of about 6 or 8 single women, most over age 50, who live in Puerto and have been here for 1 or more years. We have a bunch of single men too! I was here alone a few times while my husband was out of country and never felt unsafe. Violent crime is very minimal in Puerto Armuelles. Petty theft is the biggest issue we deal with, so you don’t want to leave valuables laying around (in an unlocked car, etc.)

      1. www.visitpuertarmuelles.com

        I need to keep in contact with you. I have been to Pedasi and Guanico (Tosini) and I am coming back in Jan. for 3 months. I have all ready booked Pedasi and Guanaco for Jan. through March but, I have always wanted to check out Puerto Armeulles. After my trip from Jan. – March., I will be coming back in April of 2019 and I want to check out Puerto Armeulles. So, maybe you can hook me up with a place to stay. I do not know the dates yet but I will tell you when I do. I also signed up for your letter. Monthly I guess it is. Anyways, talk to you soon.



        1. admin (Post author)

          Let me know when the dates of your stay in Puerto are confirmed. Rentals go pretty quickly here; we need more!

  16. Lynnette Douicher

    www.visitpuertarmuelles.com & www.visitpuertarmuelles.com… www.visitpuertarmuelles.com!!

    1. admin (Post author)

      Let me know when you’ll be here and I’ll see if I can hook you up. Debbie@visitPuertoArmuelles.com

  17. Bernard Bookheimer

    I will be visiting Puerto in Feb, 2019 with the thought of future retirement there, perhaps 2-3 years. I know things are changing rapidly there, but I was hoping to get a feel for the real estate available there. I am a single man so I wouldn’t need anything larger than 2 bedrooms, sale or rental. I just need some advice regarding neighborhoods closer to the beach, safe, near some ex-pats, where I wouldn’t need a car too soon after moving there. Just some examples of places, perhaps to purchase soon and rent until retirement. Thanks in advance for your assistance.

    1. admin (Post author)

      I’ll send you an email with answers to specific questions. In general, it’s always a good idea to rent first to find out if you really like living somewhere. I have you on the email list for my newsletters, which also have good, current, information. Hope to meet you in February!

  18. Brad

    你好. Will be in your area 2nd week of January looking to rent for 2 to 6 months. Tough to see anything online, any suggestions?

    1. admin (Post author)

      The best thing to do is stay in touch with us as the time of your travel gets near and we can let you know what is available at that time.

  19. Jackie

    你好, I will be looking for a long term rental shortly. Ideally I would like to find somewhere quiet, space for my 2 children to play in the yard, fruit trees. walking distance to a market, and close enough to access the beach(or a pool) and nature. One necessity is access to high speed internet for my work. Could you recommend a neighborhood based on those desires? 谢谢.

    1. admin (Post author)

      “Quiet” and close to town, would include Las Palmas, San Jose, Los Angeles, and Spanish Town. Finding rentals here is a bit tricky because a lot of locals still use “word-of-mouth” advertising. There are some Airbnb and hostels that can be a good start, to get a feel for the areas and start talking to folks. Message me when you have dates set and I’ll point you to a couple of places: Editor@visitPuertoArmuelles.com

  20. Sonya D Dericco

    My husband and I will be coming to Panama in December 2019 we are thinking of retiring here. Would you please send us some information?
    thank you,
    Sonya Dericco

    1. admin (Post author)

      Sent an email with free report. 期待与您见面,en!

      1. lee

        我想要一些商业租赁,,en,无论是酒吧和/或喷气滑雪租赁业务,,en,小旅馆长期租赁也将非常受欢迎,,en,背风处,,en, either for a Bar and or Jet ski rental business.

        Small hostel long term rental would be very appreciated as well.

        谢谢, Lee

  21. viren

    你好,I will be visiting Puerto in Mid OCT 2019 with the thought of future retirement there, perhaps 2-3 years. I know things are changing rapidly there, but I was hoping to get a feel for the real estate, I just need some advice regarding neighborhoods closer to the beach, beach properties that i can build upon down the road, even beach front properties away from the city that will take time to come up..
    Thanks in advance for your assistance

    1. admin (Post author)

      Hola! I sent you an email with several free reports attached. Look forward to meeting you and showing you are beach town!

  22. Lorraine Bradley

    嗨黛比, I’m hoping to find a house or apartment for rent from November until April that has fiber optic cable internet. I work online so it’s a top priority. I need something that is a reasonable price, furnished and within walking distance to grocery shopping or a short taxi ride. Would appreciate it if you can give me some contacts. 谢谢.

    1. admin (Post author)

      There isn’t any place in Puerto with fiber optics yet. That said, I work online and have no problems with Cable & Wireless (5g) and I have friends who use Planet Telecom (a bit more pricey), which is satellite internet, and they say the connection is good. I will email you with some property options.

  23. www.visitpuertarmuelles.com

    www.visitpuertarmuelles.com. www.visitpuertarmuelles.com 2020.
    如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我. 谢谢

    1. admin (Post author)

      如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我 (August). 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我!

  24. 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我

    你好, 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我 2021. 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我? 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我. 谢谢.

    1. admin (Post author)

      In Puerto Armuelles, 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我. 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我. 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我. 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我, 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我.

  25. 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我

    你好…如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我…如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我 15 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我…谢谢. 至少 2 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我, 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我…

  26. 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我

    如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我, 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁??

    1. admin (Post author)

      请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁?. 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁?. 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁?.

  27. 如果你有出租物业的照片,请发邮件给我

    你好, 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁? 2021. 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁?. 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁?? 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁?. 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁?, 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁?. 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁?. 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁? $650 请问你可以给我发送长期租赁选择吗,你是否知道在海岸线一直到圣卡塔利娜和托里奥的租金联系谁?. 非常感谢

    1. admin (Post author)

      安排好到达日期后联系我,我会告诉你有什么可用的. 安排好到达日期后联系我,我会告诉你有什么可用的. 期待与您见面,en! Debbie@visitPuertoArmuelles.com

  28. 尚特尔·米切尔


    我和我的家人打算今年秋天搬到拉斯帕尔马斯/阿穆耶斯港地区 (September).

  29. 斯科特·贝桑松

    你好, 我们将于三月第二次返回巴拿马 2023. 我们的目标是在八月左右 2023. 我们正在寻找几个不同的海滩城镇,其中之一是阿穆耶斯港. 我们已经在博克特度过了一段时间, 板坯, 和博卡奇卡. 我们在寻找要买的房子时首先寻找出租. 您有待售房屋清单吗?. 我知道我来得很早,但计划是成功的一半.


    1. admin (Post author)

      当您有具体的租赁日期时请告诉我,我会将可用的房屋发送给您. In the meantime, 查看房地产页面以了解当前列表. 我还知道很多未发布的房产,当您到达这里时可以为您提供更多信息. 期待与您见面,en!


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