每月存档: 可能 2018

巴拿马政府视频,,en,这是关于Puerto Armuelles的官方视频,,en,由巴拿马政府提供,,en,包括我们当地的一些Porteños的评论,,en,包括我们自己的贡献者,,en,访问Puerto Armuelles,,en,下次你在唐卡洛斯吃饭时,,en: Puerto Armuelles


This official video about Puerto Armuelles, by the government of Panama, includes commentary by some of our local Porteños, including our own contributor to “visit Puerto Armuelles”, Dr. Alberto Carbona. The next time you are enjoying a meal at Don Carlos…
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Del Monte开始种植香蕉,,en,Del Monte的子公司,,en,BanapiñaSA,,tl,雇佣了第一名,,en,5月上半月的工人,,en,他们已经开始种植香蕉幼仔,为将来的收获开始种植。这是复活Puerto Armuelles香蕉业的一个重要步骤,,en,在奇里基省,,en,这些初始员工将在Renacimiento农场工作,,en,他们已经开始播种他们希望今年收获的前几公顷土地,,en,胡安卡洛斯瓦雷拉总统来到波多黎各参观第一个农场,,en,经过多次谈判,,en,巴拿马终于与德尔蒙特达成协议并让巴鲁获得香蕉业的成功,这是相当成就的,,en,奇基塔退出时,,en,这个城镇被毁坏了,,en!


The Del Monte subsidiary, Banapiña SA, hired the first 54 workers during the first part of May. They have begun planting the banana pups to start growing for future harvest.This is a major step in the reactivation of the banana…
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