
鲸鱼荚发现了Playa Limones的近海,,en,这是巴拿马的鲸鱼季节,这些壮丽的生物经常可以从沿着Burica半岛的海岸线或钓鱼pangas看到,,en,许多人报告看到他们,偶尔有人通过手机视频或图片捕捉到视线。这个吊舱在Limones附近看到,,en,观看从Puerto Armuelles海滩旁的panga拍摄的另一个视频,,en,在Puerto Armuelles的近海鲸鱼,,en

It’s whale season in Panama and these magnificent creatures can often be spotted from the shoreline or fishing pangas along the Burica Peninsula. Many people report seeing them and occasionally someone captures the sight with a phone video or pictures.This…
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Puerto's Banana Days的历史照片,,en,这段视频中有一些很棒的老武器照片,,en,Buenosaireans,,es,来自旧香蕉fincas的图片,,en,铁路,,en,和许多旧建筑物,,en,其中一些仍然可以在城镇周围看到,,en,享受Puerto过去的一瞥,,en,Puerto Armuelles的新医院模型,,en,Puerto's Banana Days的历史照片,,en

There are some great old photos of Puerto Armuelles in this video from 100% Porteños. Pictures from the old banana fincas, railroads, and many of the old buildings, some of which can still be seen around town. Enjoy a glimpse into Puerto’s…
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Interview About the Corpachi Eco Trail

In this video, I am interviewing Joaquin Atencio, at Punta Burica High School in Limones about the Corpachi Eco Trail. If you have not gone on this nature hike, just 15 minutes south of Puerto Armuelles, I highly recommend it for…
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视频,en: Drive to Punta Burica

It used to be that the only way to get to Punta Burica was to drive most of the way along the beach at low tide. Punta Burica is as far south of Puerto Armuelles as you can go, all the…
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无人机视频,,en,在Puerto Armuelles的码头,,en,码头,,es,内置于,,en,由奇里基土地公司提供,,en,但后来成为巴拿马政府的财产,,en,它允许大型货船停靠在波多黎各,用于装载出口的香蕉,,en: The Pier in Puerto Armuelles

The Pier (El Muelle) was built in 1936 by the Chiriqui Land Company, but later became the property of the Panamanian government. It allowed large cargo ships to dock in Puerto for the loading of the bananas for export.