At first glance, a new visitor to Puerto Armuelles may feel a bit lost. This town was once a port for the shipment of bananas from the surrounding plantations and a fishing village. There are not the obvious tourist sites, museums, and attractions you’d expect to see in a tourist town on the beach.
That’s what is so special about Puerto Armuelles, Panama:
It’s anything but your typical tourist town!
Which is why, if you are adventurous and willing to look a bit deeper, you may discover some hidden gems of history, present day, and the future are all around you. If you are visiting for only a day or two, 你可能想开始与我们自导阿穆埃耶斯港的一日游之一. Fill any free time you have left with a visit to some of the little street vendors and shops, take a casual nature hike in the jungle for bird-watching, or relax at one of the many secluded beaches.
Start your journey here:
Self-Guided Walking Tour #1 – Las Palmas & Spanish Town
Self-Guided Walking Tour #2 – Downtown Puerto & the Pier
Local shopping and exploration:
Tips for Walking & Driving Around Puerto Armuelles
Shopping Downtown (coming soon)
Shopping at the Frontera (Paso Canoas)
Restaurants & Eating Out:
8 Fast Food Joints at the Frontera
Collection of Sample Menus Around Puerto
Enjoy Nature & Exploring:
Hike the Corpachi Eco-Trail in Limones
Hike to Punta Burica (coming soon)
Bird-watching Around Puerto Armuelles
Migratory Bird Season Begins September – November
Feeding Monkeys at Mono Feliz
Beaches in & Around Puerto Armuelles
Surfing at the Pier
Surf at Punta Burica
Fishing in Puerto Armuelles
Deep Sea Sport Fishing
Local Panga Fishing (coming soon)
Rent a Bike and Explore
Join a Bike & Hike Club
也即将上市: more Hiking & Bike Trails!
Other things to do around Puerto and beyond:
Paleas de Gallos: Cockfighting in Puerto Armuelles
This may not be your typical Friday night activity back home. However, it is a popular sport in Panama and there are regular events in Puerto Armuelles.
Attend a Rodeo (coming soon)
Explore Landmarks around town on your own:
Landmarks Around Puerto Armuelles
Volunteer opportunities:
Voz de los Animales de Puerto Armuelles
Spay & Neuter Clinics, animal adoptions, and Educational group
FundaciónProBeneficio de Puerto Armuelles,,gl,FundaciónProBeneficio de Puerto Armuelles是一家成立于8月的非营利组织,,en,来自巴鲁区的一群巴拿马专业人士,,en,该小组最初由一群Porteños组织,他们关注Puerto Armuelles和周围的香蕉芬兰巴里奥斯,,en,特别是最脆弱的人,,en,老年,,en,青年和家庭,,en,在社会和经济崩溃后,小镇经历了Chiquita香蕉公司离开该地区,,en,他们定期举办筹款活动,让孩子们受益,,en,青年,,en,和家人,,en,他们的许多活动实际上是在巴拿马城进行的,,en,他们的办公室所在地,,en,任务,,en
Regular fundraising and charity events to benefit children, elderly, and families.
Albergue Amistad – A Safe Home for the Elderly
Nonprofit organization and home for elderly residents who would otherwise be destitute. Fundraising events throughout the year, with volunteer opportunities and donations accepted.
Puerto Armuelles狮子会,,en,国际狮子会是世界上最大的服务性俱乐部组织,,en,超过,,en,大约有百万会员,,en,俱乐部超过,,en,世界各国和地理区域,,en,通过参与,,en,D-1区狮子会,,en,第一家狮子会成立于巴拿马共和国,,en,是哥伦布狮子会,,en,这是8月份的特许,,en,巴拿马是第一个在中美洲或南美洲成立的狮子会,,en,俱乐部为他们在特定领域认可的许多人道主义需求提供志愿服务,,en,他们的重点是健康,,en,糖尿病,,en,视力,,en,听力,,en,和儿童癌症,,en,饥饿,,en,和青年活动,,en,帮助最有需要的人,,es,支持青年,促进巴拿马社会的公民和道德价值观。,,es,帮助最有需要的人,,en
International Nonprofit Civic & Service organization
Help Save the Sea Turtles at Tigre Savaje (coming soon)
Protecting sea turtles during the egg laying and hatching seasons
We would love to hear any feedback or suggestions you may have!
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一月份找酒店住一晚. 有什么选择. 我们会需要 4 rooms.
以下是Puerto Armuelles 及其周边地区的一些客房选择: . 全新的海滨精品酒店” 你到达的时候应该是开放的, 就在波多黎各南部. 对于他们当前的更新联系: