
Bienvenidos a Puerto Armuelles, Panama!

Find all the information you need for planing your next visit to this quaint beach town on the Pacific Coast of Panama. Start with a glance over the Fast Facts about this wonderful down-to-earth locale and begin to discover why more and more people are being drawn here. Some say it is the laid back “tranquilo’ charm of the old banana plantation homes and friendly nature of the residents who are seen strollling along the town’s streets amidst bicycles, dogs, and street peddlers. Others come to Puerto Armuelles for the unspoiled beauty of the surrounding jungles and long stretches of solitude found on the many beaches. For others, there is the attraction of being in on the ground floor of the resurgence of this once vibrant town and the promise of tremendous growth ahead. Whatever your reason for looking into Puerto Armuelles, we hope to provide a good start for your visit right here on these pages. So, start exploring and feel free to contact us if you have any comments or questions at info@VisitPuertoArmuelles.com

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