Colors of Barrio El Carmen

The El Carmen neighborhood is nothing if not colorful. Both physically and figuratively! Enjoy this photo montage of some highlights that caught my eye on a drive through this barrio, just south of downtown Puerto Armuelles.

万维网,访问PuertoArmuelles.comBeauty really is in the eye of the beholder. At first glance, 卡门 (also known as “Silver City”) is a run-down and congested little neighborhood, with houses too close together and narrow streets running through it. There is almost always a lot going on here, from traffic to the bustling activities of people, dogs, and street vendors. Look a little closer and this interesting barrio will reveal its true colors to you!

You can read more about the neighborhood here: Barrio El Carmen

Flowers are everywhere in El Carmen.

There are a variety of creative and decorative iron works around town.

Who can ignore the colorful exteriors of the homes in El Carmen?

Some colorful things just stand out on their own in El Carmen.

The next time you are whizzing through the barrio of El Carmen, may I suggest that you slow down and take a look around. Try one of the side streets, or even take a walk, and see what colorful discoveries could brighten your day.

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  1. Becky

    最好的地方,,en,喜欢这个社区,,en,谢谢你给我们一些爱,,en!! Love the neighborhood…
    Thanks for giving us some love!!

    1. 克林特,,en,在卡门里生活的好与坏,,en,在我的头顶,,en,我会说好的,,en,步行距离到市中心和海滩,,en,房价便宜,,en,活泼的社区,有很多小摊贩,,en,人们走路和骑自行车,,en,并互相访问,,en,社区意识,,en,坏,,en,因为房子非常靠近,,en,它可能会有点嘈杂,没有那么多的隐私,,en,如果你对某人大吼大叫,请看你说的话,,en,整个社区都会听到,,en,未来,,en,这个巴里奥是最苦恼的之一,,en,自从Chiquita退出,,en,但每天我都看到房主画画,,en,建造,,en,并改善他们的家园,,en,绝对是在上升,,en

      good and bad of livin in carmen?

      1. admin (Post author)

        Off the top of my head, I’d say GOOD: Walking distance to downtown and the beach. Prices are cheap for homes. Lively neighborhood with a lot of little street vendors, people walking and biking, and visiting each other. Sense of community. BAD: Because the homes are very close together, it can get a bit noisy and there is not as much privacy (watch what you say if you yell at someone – the whole neighborhood will hear!)
        FUTURE: This barrio is one of the most distressed, since the pull-out of Chiquita, but every day I see homeowners painting, building, and improving their homes. Definitely on the upswing!


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