Banana Revival is Moving Full Steam Ahead!

The reactivation of the banana plantations in the district of Barú, Chiriqui is moving forward quickly. BanaPiña has been busy since they started operations, in January this year, with the cleaning of land, drainage to get the irrigation systems in, and then with the planting of specific types of bananas.

According to deputy Carlos Motta, the main promoter of the law of economic reactivation, starting in Jobito and other areas of the old banana plantations,areas of Finca Zapote up to the Colorado Canal in Puerto Armuelles, we hope to see all this land inside a couple of months full of the best tropical bananas.

www.visitpuertoarmuelles.comThe contract with Del Monte subsidiary, BanaPiña, has a duration of 20 years renewable for a further 20 years, under the same terms and conditions, with the exception of tax exemptions, which must be reviewed by the State at the end of the first contract period.

Read more about Del Monte in Puerto Here: What’s up with Del Monte in Puerto Armuelles?

See a concise Infographic of the banana history in Baru Here: The Green Gold of Barú Timeline

Read last Banana Update Here: Update on the Banana Industry in Baru

Puerto Armuelles residents and the old banana farm owners are anticipating a similar economic boom as was held in the golden age of this District during the Chiquita days, and that people will have jobs again and the area will prosper.

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