标签存档: 新闻
Spay-Neuter Clinic in Puerto Armuelles on August 6, 2023
There is a passionate group of volunteers that head up the Voluntarios Por Los Animales Puerto Armuelles, 一个专用于结束虐待动物和无家可归的狗和猫在我们的海滩边镇非盈利性组织. 巴拿马组织者,,en,和兽医,,en,crespa,,it,从那以后一直在上诊所,,en,并且正在慢慢开始教育当地居民了解宠物消毒和动物伦理治疗的重要性,,en,Voluntarios de los Animales Puerto Armuelles将于2月16日赞助Spay-Neuter诊所,,en,2月16日,,en,他们只接受约,,en,动物〜尽可能多的约,,en,你如何参与进来,,en,帮助Voluntarios de los Animales Puerto Armuelles帮助街道上的动物,,en (伊尔玛) and…
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November: 独立庆典巴拿马月
独立日快乐, 巴拿马! 看来,无论你走到哪里,在每年的这个时候, 人拥有的节日, 拍摄过的烟花, 或播放音乐. 学校的孩子们都离开冲击从早上他们鼓,直到天黑以后….
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El Siglo Regalón: 30 year Anniversary Promotion
Want a chance to win some cool prizes? The periodical called El Siglo (“The Century”) is a Spanish language daily newspaper published in Panama. The paper was founded on January 9th, 1985 and as of 2010 had the largest circulation…
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Say Adios to 70 Pounds of Trash!
As the 2015 Month of the Oceans drew to a close in Panama, the focus was on cleaning up of beaches around the country. The Ministry of Environment (MiAmbiente) identified five beaches around Panama to undergo an intense clean-up campaign….
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U.S. Embassy Outreach in Chiriqui-September 29, 2015
If you are a US expat in Puerto Armuelles, and need some assistance from the US Embassy, a drive to Boquete may solve your issues and is a lot closer than a trip to Panama City. Schedule your occasional trip…
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Plans to Resurrect Puerto Armuelles: Real this Time?
It feels like crying wolf to say there are plans to improve Puerto Armuelles because there have been multiple promises in the past that have not come through. Ask anyone in town what they think of new plans in the…
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August 12, 2015: Panama Declared in State of Emergency
An Executive Order by the government of Panama has declared a: State of Emergency Due to Drought. The Executive Order has been declared because of the adverse impacts of El Niño 2015-2016 and will be in effect for 60…
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