Dry Canal Project Between Puerto & Bocas Getting Closer!


September 1st, 2017 the Panama Commission on Trade and Economic Affairs and the National Assembly was presented with a proposal for the long-awaited Dry Canal project known as Chiriquí – Bocas del Toro Intermodal Tourism and Freight Transportation System (联运货物运输系统和旅游,,es,干运河,,es,奇里基 - 博卡斯 - 德尔托罗,,es,这将阿穆埃耶斯港和博卡斯德托罗之间运行的铁路,,en,干运河项目被看作是一个急需的经济推动了区域奇里基,,en,预计投资金额的范围从,,en,十亿,,en,这取决于他们遵循模型,,en,该项目的建设期估计在三个阶段,,en,和雇佣的劳动力,,en,这些额外的工作将在该地区的欢迎,,en,在太平洋,,en,主要港口将位于阿穆埃耶斯港,,en,巴鲁区,,en,在加勒比地区的主要入口是在奇里基大蓬罗巴洛,,en,这意味着集装箱港口将最终必须建立在波多黎各,,en,在干运河两端的端口建议,,en (canal seco) Chiriquí – Bocas del Toro), a railroad that would run between Puerto Armuelles and Bocas de Toro.

The Dry Canal project is viewed as a much needed economic boost to the Chiriqui region. Estimated investment amounts range from $7 to $19 billion, depending on the model they follow. The construction period of the project has been estimated in three stages of 3 to 7 years, and hiring a workforce of 77,000 to 123,000. These additional jobs would be welcome in the region!

In the Pacific, the main port would be located in Puerto Armuelles, district of Barú. The main entrance in the Caribbean would be in Chiriquí Grande at Punta Robalo, 当然, this means the container port would finally have to be built in Puerto!


Proposed Ports on each end of the Dry Canal.

客运货运运输的第一选择路线,,en,旅游,,en,将是一个四路双隧道,,en,三个货运和阿穆埃耶斯港蓬罗巴洛一个乘客,,en,长度被估计为约,,en,第二个选择是从港口帕哈德草帽双隧道,,en,在瓜拉卡区,,en,到约蓬罗巴洛,,en,千米跨越山脉地下有关于铁路的地上空间,,en,千米,,en,以十亿,,en,根据型号的不同,他们选择跟随,,en,和劳动力,,en,劳动,,en,根据该委员会的副主席,,en,纳尔逊·杰克逊帕尔马,,es,奇里基干运河将类似于巴拿马科隆和之间的铁路项目,,en,通过端口移动大量的容器的,,en,太平洋到大西洋的,,en (tourism) will be a four-way double tunnel, three cargo and one passenger from Puerto Armuelles to Punta Robalo. The length is estimated to be about 131 – 135 kilometers. The second option is a double tunnel from Port Paja de Sombrero, in the Gualaca District, to Punta Robalo of about 55 km that crosses the Cordillera underground and has an above ground space of the railroad of about 75-80 km. Estimated investment amounts range from $ 19 billion to $ 7 billion, depending on the model they chose to follow. The construction period of the project has been estimated in three stages of 3 to 7 years, and a workforce of 77,000 and 123,000 in labor.

According to the deputy chairman of the Commission, Nelson Jackson Palma, the Chiriqui Dry Canal would be similar to the railroad project between Panama and Colón, moving a large number of containers through the ports’ of the Pacific to the Atlantic. 他们打算在奇里基省也扩大这种服务,,en,以及让现有的火车希望通过铁路出行的游客,,en,你可能还记得,当巴拿马国民政府聘为,,en,写商业计划在阿穆埃耶斯港潜在的集装箱港口和运河干燥,,en,我已经包含刷新你的记忆之前的链接,,en,点击这里阅读更多关于,,en,Redacción/ @ PanamaAmerica的货柜照片礼貌,,en, as well as making the trains available to tourists wishing to travel by rail.

You may remember when the Panama National Government hired Nathan Associates, Inc to write a business plan for a potential container port and dry canal in Puerto Armuelles. I’ve included the link before to refresh your memory.

Click here to read more about the Plans to Resurrect Puerto Armuelles.

*Containers photo courtesy of Redacción/@PanamaAmerica

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