Photos of the Independence Day Parade 2015

November 3rd was the National Independence Day celebration and everyone in Puerto Armuelles came downtown to enjoy the festivities. The highlight was a parade with the local schools playing music and performing. There were street vendors with BBQ, cold drinks, cotton candy and other items for sale. It was a colorful and fun day for all!

The crowds along the sides of the streets were throughout all of downtown, along the beach road, and El Carmen. Colorful umbrellas were everywhere. The whole town turned out for this event!

All of the local schools were represented in the parade, carrying banners and flags. They wore attractive uniforms and costumes, danced, and played marching band music for the crowds. There were traditional “la pollera” dresses and dancing.

Watch the Photo Slideshow below by clicking on the arrow on the right or left side of each photo.

See additional photos and a video of the day HERE.

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