Here is a list of MOST of the businesses you will find in and around Puerto Armuelles, Panama.
We have done our best to make this list complete & welcome your input. This is an ongoing project!
Please contact the if you have any additions or corrections.
There are numerous small shops and street vendors throughout the town that can really only be discovered by walking around the streets and exploring them in person. From vegetable vendors selling from the back of a tuck to shoe shines in the park; even bicycle vendors selling fruit juices and empanadas. Many usually have no business name or contact information. While you are exploring our little town, please make sure to patronize these industrious entrepreneurs!
For a quick reference, Download & keep these Emergency Numbers handy while you visit Puerto Armuelles:
Police 104 or 507- 770-7465
Fire (Bomberos) 103 or 507-770-7455
Emergency/Ambulance 104
Red Cross 507-770-7136
Hospital 507-770-7355
Sinaproc 335 or 507-316-3200
Download the Emergency numbers and Instructions on how to use them here >>>>>
Click on a Category to view the listings:
***If you have updates to this list, please email to
Art & Music
Auto Parts & Services
Banks & Financial Institutions
Barbers & Hair Salons
Bars & Clubs
Bicicletas & Repair
Cell Phones & Accessories
Computer & Electronics
Copy & Fax Services
Department Stores
Fishing & Suministros
Gas Stations
Grocery Stores
Hardware Stores
Health & Fitness Centers
Hospitals & Clinics
Hotels & Lodging
Servicios de Internet & Cafetería
Joyerías & Repair
Lawyers & Legal Professionals
Livestock & Feed
Mini-Super (Convenience Stores)
* Miscellaneous Services
Office Supplies
Public Offices
Restaurants & Fondas
Sporting Goods
Transportation, Correo & Shipping Services
Andres O, Andres O, Andres O.
Andres O! Andres O
Hello Admin, How’re things going, are you in Las Palmas or in Puerto Armuelles ? Hope Everything is going Great, and I Would like to stop by and meet you, where will it be more convenient for you, Las Palmas Or Puerto, Thanks have A Great Day, Andres
Andres O.
Andres O.
Do es anyone have the contact information for the shipping companies there? I am trying to locate a shipping company that can take my personal belongings and tools in a 20 container to Oakland or San Francisco Ca. And Puertp Armuellas is the closest Port to Caldera. I can Transpor my things there for Loading.
Hasta donde yo sé, Andres O, Andres O. Andres O, Andres O.
There are no churches listed in the above listing. I am sure that there must be at least one Catholic Church in town. Are there any other churches and are there any with services in English?
Hi Shellie, Just about every denomination of church is represented in Puerto. The main Catholic Church is called Iglesia San Antonio de Padua. located on Avenida Presidente Ramon. Hasta donde yo sé, there are no services offered in English at this time.
Hello! I’ve been searching and searching and I think you are the person I saw on another website that had real estate listings. Creo que eran de particulares y no a los agentes inmobiliarios,,en,No he sido capaz de encontrar el sitio que pensé que bookmarked y pregunto si usted podría ayudar a cabo,,en,Hola Beverly,,en,Lo siento por eso,,en,Que tenía que tomar el lugar por un par de días para cambiar el programa de la foto,,en,Los anuncios son enviados por los individuos en su mayoría,,en,pero también puede ser de corredores de bienes raíces,,en,agentes,,en,o consultores que representan las propiedades,,en,Está destinado a ser un servicio a la comunidad de Puerto Armuelles y hacer que sea más fácil para las personas a localizar propiedades en venta o alquiler,,en. I haven’t been able to find the site that I thought I bookmarked and wonder if you could help out. Thanks!
Hi Beverly, Sorry about that. I had to take the site down for a couple of days to change the photo program. The listings are posted by individuals mostly, but can also be from realtors, agents, or consultants that represent properties. It is meant to be a community service for Puerto Armuelles and make it easier for people to locate properties for sale or rent.
Bueno, finalmente lo hicimos,,en,Visitamos Pourto Armuelles,,en,fueron recibidos por una pareja encantadora,,en,Debbie y Patrick,,en,Nos alojamos,,en. We visited Pourto Armuelles, were hosted by a lovely couple, Debbie and Patrick. We stayed 2 weeks, and near the end of our stay, we bought a lovely old home in Las Palmas, and will be moving down as soon as we get our home sold here in Florida. This is our second time moving to Panama. We lived a year in Bouquete. My wife Shellie, did a lot of research, and we were very interested in the history of Pourto Armuelles, and decided to come down for a visit. What a charming and lovely old town. A little rough around the edges, but we loved it. We are so looking forward to becoming a part of the community, and watching it grow back to becoming a vacation destination. Don and Shellie
It was nice getting to know you both and show you “behind the scenes” of our town. There is so much more to Puerto Armuelles than meets the eye at first. You will be a great addition to the community!
Well, Andres O. Ambas casas se venden,,en,y el contenedor con nuestro STUFF se irá aquí el 13 de junio,,en, and the container with our STUFF will be leaving here on the 13Th of June, and we are booked on a flight the 5th of July. Then its on to our future home in Las Palmas,Pourto Armuelles. Got lots of work to do on our Lovely old home we bought. Its liviable now, but needs to have some things Tweeked and sorted out. High praise goes to Debbie our realitor for her work in finding the house for us, and spending time with us, showing us around, and introducing us to people. We hope we can be an asset to the community. We will be bringing a lot of skills Don and Shellie
Thanks so much for the kind words! You both will be great assets to the growth of our town – look forward to doing some fun projects together. See you soon!