
There are public schools in most of the barrios (neighborhoods) around Puerto Armuelles. There are several schools that offer unique classes such as art, music and martial arts, as well as institutes of higher education.

www.visitpuertoarmuelles.comEscuela Segundaria de Puerto Armuelles (secondary) – Avenida San Jose, California

Escuela de Rio Mar 507-770-7623

Escuela de El Palmar (elementary)

Escuela San Vicente 507-770-9896

Escuela Las Palmas – Las Palmas 507-770-7283

Escuela Secundaria Nocturna Oficial (High School) – Downtown Puerto Armuelles 507-770-7363

Instituto Profesional y Tecnico de Baru (Professional & Technical Institute)- Manaca 507-770-7368

Centro de Estudios Superiores de Bellas Artes (Art school) – Avenida Presidente Remon 507-770-7380

Colegio San Antonio – Avenida Presidente Remon 507-770-7762

Escuela Tomas Armuelles – Downtown Puerto Armuelles 507-770-7584

Primer Ciclo de Puerto Armuelles – El Palmar 507-770-7681

Universidad Autonoma de Chiriqui – Puerto Armuelles 507-770-7751

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2 Kommentare

  1. Tersia,,af,Gibt es Englischschulen in der Nähe?,,en,Ja, Tersia,,ms,Es gibt elementare,,en,Sekundarschulen, die einige Klassen in Englisch unterrichten,,en,Las Palmas Schulen,,es,und CRUBA für die älteren Schüler,,en,Viele einheimische Panamaer, die hier ihren Abschluss gemacht haben, haben genug Englisch, um Colleges in den USA und anderen Ländern zu besuchen,,en

    Hallo. Are there any English schools in the vicinity?
    Thank you very much

    1. admin (Beitrag Autor)

      Yes Tersia. There are elementary & secondary schools that teach some classes in English (Las Palmas Schools) and CRUBA for the older students. Many local Panamanians who have graduated here have enough English to attend colleges in the US and other counties.


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