Carlos Motta Discusses Banana Industry Reactivation

The long awaited revival of the banana industry in Puerto Armuelles is finally going to happen. On April 26, 2017 the final approval to the agreement between the Del Monte subsidiary, Bananapina, and Panama was given! Jobs, infrastructure, and hope…
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Peaceful Protest for Ratification of Del Monte Contract

March and April 2017 are tense times in the District of Barú , Chiriqui Province, Panama. Why? The ongoing delays by the Panamanian government to finalize the contract to allow Del Monte’s subsidiary, Banapiña Panamá, to begin operations in the district…
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Presidente Varela se compromete a Proyectos de Barú

En este breve vídeo, tomada en el Gimnasio Municipal en el centro de Puerto Armuelles, Presidente Varela habla de la república de compromiso de Panamá con nuevos proyectos en el distrito de Barú. Para una visión general de lo que él hablaba de este…
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President Varela Talks About the New Hospital

Listen to Panama’s President Juan Carlos Varela as he talks about the new Hospital Dionisio Arrocha in Puerto Armuelles. It’s good to see a plan actually going into action! Watch for more progress to come. Gracias to TVN NEWS Panama…
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Harvesting Mangos in Panama

Mango season has begun! Soon trees all over Puerto Armuelles will be loaded with fruit. Local entrepreneurs have already begun to “gleen” trees to sell the fruit in markets throughout Baru. I have received anywhere from $30 – 80 por…
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Cool off With a Raspado In Malecón Park

La próxima vez que usted está caminando a lo largo de la Costera en el centro de Puerto, enjoying the view of the beach and pier from Malecón Park, asegúrese de tomar un breve descanso y conseguir un raspado del vendedor ambulante no, si…
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Spearfishing in Puerto Armuelles

This video plays upbeat music and shows underwater footage away from the shoreline, where the waves are breaking, in Puerto Armuelles. It is video of spearfishing with a GoPro HERO3 attached to the spear, February 2015. Se lanza unos cuantos…
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Puerto Armuelles Surf Spot – “the Pier”

If four surfers being in the water on one day means “crowded”, then Puerto Armuelles may be the surf town for you! En realidad, hay varios muy buenos lugares para coger una ola en la costa del Pacífico de la Burica…
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6 Minute Video Tour of Puerto Armuelles

This video was taken by the late Lee Zeltzer in 2011. Even though it is five years old, not much has changed in Puerto Armuelles. You can get a good feel for what it is like to drive from the…
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